Three common problems with hash holes


1. Too much moisture

If excessive moisture from the adhesive gum seeps through the paper onto the cannabis below, it will result in a joint that will burn unevenly.

2. Rolled too tightly

Rolling a hash hole joint too tightly can impede airflow, leading to insufficient hits and an uneven or complete lack of combustion.

3. Use the highest quality cannabis

When creating a hash hole, use the highest-quality cannabis. Utilising uncured flowers or poorly cultivated plants may lead to burning problems.


The future of solventless hash and joints

Lorenzo, the creative force behind Terps Donuts, praised Fidel for his unwavering dedication, emphasising that it is remarkable to observe this inspiration spreading beyond international borders and achieving unparalleled heights. This community thrives on individuals specialising in various fields, each contributing distinct roles anchored in a robust sense of community and mutual support.

In recent times, the trend has shifted from moonrocks to hash holes and donut joints, which have gained more popularity in the cannabis community. With the ever-evolving nature of the industry, hash enthusiasts have gained significant influence, to the extent that they are now celebrated on an annual day dedicated to them, which falls on the 30th of October. It’s exciting to witness the remarkable growth of the cannabis industry, and we’re thrilled to be a part of this journey.


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