The Year of the Hash Hole | High Times Magazine
Looking to get as high as possible in one convenient doob? Drop those moon rocks. If you don’t know about donuts yet it’s time to get familiar.
BY JON CAPPETTA December 30th 2022
If there’s one thing that has made 2022 slightly different than any year before it, it’s gotta be the proliferation of the hash hole. Although infused doobs are nothing new, these expert level jumbo-sized cigar-like products have become all the rage with everyone from trappers to casual consumers looking for a memorable experience.
plus pre-rolls filled with hash rosin have taken center stage for heady boys both domestic and abroad. So what’s the big deal?
To continue with our December issue’s tradition of providing the best the year had to offer, allow me to bring another category to your attention: the best donuts/hash holes/volcanoes/worm holes/hash snakes (whatever you want to call ‘em) available today. Let’s dig in!
One of the first to coin the term “hash holes,” Fidel’s can largely be credited with creating the hype these products have developed. Offering multiple sizes (from smaller 2 g mini’s to the almost 4.5 g big boy size), before Fidel’s I was calling these things donuts, which is what I had first heard from the trap. In Fidel’s own words: donuts are for cops, so the hash hole was born. Now while hash holes have been great for his business, Fidel’s absolute rise to stardom over the past few years have actually developed the larger category. You see, between collabs with industry legends like Champelli, and brands like Cookies, Fidel’s can really be credited for taking hash holes
Mainstream Sure the trap has loved ‘em awhile, but the general consumers weren’t on the wave until Fidel’s showed up. Even further, he’s managed to bridge outside of cannabis, and through partnerships with artists like Aaron Kai and Anwar Carrots, Fidel’s continues to break new ground for all of us such Fidel’s Hash Hole Hole Collaboration with Cookies, Loose-leaf, DNA- GENETICS, Calikush, Casa De Fuego, Gas No Brakes, No Jumper, Highminds, Champelli, Serge Cannabis expect get it locally and internationally through Fidel’s official website or other dispensaries at very good prices and free shipping parcel directly from Fidels
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